Tips and Tricks: February 2024

February 19, 2024

February's Tips:

Gardening in February presents unique challenges. Here are five gardening tips focusing on what NOT to do during this period:

  1. Do Not Overwater: February can be warm and dry in many parts of New Zealand, leading some gardeners to overcompensate by overwatering. However, overwatering can lead to root rot and other moisture-related diseases. It's essential to maintain a balanced watering schedule, ensure soil moisture levels are appropriate for the specific needs of your plants, and consider using mulch to help retain soil moisture.
  2. Avoid Planting Cool-Season Vegetables Too Early: It's tempting to start on your autumn garden, but planting cool-season crops too early is a mistake. The soil and air temperatures are still too high for crops like lettuce, spinach, and peas, which prefer cooler weather to germinate and grow; wait until the temperatures drop, or use a shade cloth to protect them from the intense heat.
  3. Do Not Ignore Pest and Disease Management: February's warm and often humid conditions can encourage the proliferation of garden pests and diseases. It's important not to ignore the signs of infestation or disease, such as unusual leaf spots, wilting, or the presence of insects. Regularly inspect your plants and take immediate action to manage any issues, using environmentally friendly methods whenever possible.
  4. Resist Pruning Spring-Flowering Shrubs: February is not the time to prune shrubs that flower in spring, such as rhododendrons, azaleas, and camellias. These plants have already set their buds for the spring bloom, and pruning them now would significantly reduce the flowering display; wait until after they have flowered before doing any significant pruning.
  5. Don't Delay Sowing Spring-Blooming Annuals and Perennials: February is an excellent time to sow the seeds of annuals and perennials that will bloom in spring. Delaying the sowing of these plants can result in a missed opportunity for a vibrant and colourful garden during the spring months. Take advantage of the warmer soil temperatures to ensure these seeds start strong. Check the specific sowing times for each plant species, as this can vary, but generally, sowing now allows for robust growth and development in time for spring flowering. Preparing your soil with nutrients and ensuring it is well-draining will give your seeds the best possible start. 

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can make the most of your February garden, ensuring plant health and setting the stage for a successful growing season.

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An Aucklander's Vegetable Planting and Maintenance Guide

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